Learn N' Play
Learn N' Play is a pilot project initiated by Geekster with these objectives in mind:
• To onboard new gamers into the hobby
• To prep casual gamers moving into the mid-heavy level
• To allow gamers to playtest the game that is yet to be in their collections
• To offer a 1-to-N private session where our Game Master will guide and teach you how to game throughout the session
Our friendly Game Masters
Bing Chuan (BC)
Browse Collection• Bilingual (English & Mandarin)
• Favourite: Deck Building, Take That
Terminus Description
You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city's bottom line.
Manage assets such as time, money, & resources to build your subway line. Gain prestige by completing objectives and fulfilling the city’s transit demands. Focus on individual projects, open Agendas or a little of both in an effort to earn more prestige than the competition. Can you stay on track to deliver on the cities many needs?